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Welcome to our new website!
Bedlington Whitley Memorial

Autumn 1 2023

This half term in our computing lessons we have been programming Bee-Bots.  We talked about what the buttons on the Bee-Bot might do and then tried the buttons out.  We programmed the Bee-Bots to move forwards and backwards and to make left and right turns.  We created our own programs and tested them on the Bee-Bots to move them to different places on a map.  
In art and design, we have rolled card tubes and attached them to a base to make 3D structures.  We have shaped paper strips in a variety of ways and glued them to a base to make a 3D drawing.  We folded paper in different ways to create human figures and then painted them.
In science, we have investigated everyday materials.  We have identified objects and the materials they are made from.  We have identified the properties of different materials and explored which materials are opaque and which materials are bendy.  We investigated which material would be best to make a waterproof coat for Ada Twist to use on her holiday in the Lake District.