Welcome to our new website!
Welcome to our new website!
Bedlington Whitley Memorial

Autumn 2 2023

During Inter Faith Week, we found out about the festival of Diwali.  We listened to the story of Rama and Sita and retold the story in our English lessons.  During Art lessons, we used clay to make and then paint divas.  We made Rangoli patterns and created Mendhi hand patterns.
We visited our school War Memorial and found out about World War I.  We painted poppies to decorate the hall for our Peace Service.  We found out that we wear poppies to remember the soldiers.  We explored the art work of Jacqueline Hurley and created our own remembrance artwork using charcoal and red and black paint.  
In design and technology, we have explored different ways of joining.  We used PVA glue to join two pieces of felt together.  Rather than waste the felt, we designed and made a simple finger puppet.  Then we designed and made hand puppets.  We drew around our puppet template with special chalk, joined the two pieces of felt together with glue and then decorated our hand puppets.