Whitley Parliament-School Council

Pupil Voice
Children are the heartbeat of our school therefore; we value their ideas and opinions whether formal or informal. The teachers’ doors are always open for both children and adults.

School Council- Whitley Parliament
The main aim of the School Council is to help to make our school a better place for the children and to give us an opportunity to share our opinions and ideas. Each class from Reception upwards has one representative who is elected every year. The children write their own manifesto at home and then deliver it to their class mates. The children then democratically vote for the child who they think will be best to represent their class’ views.

After the election, the children are presented with their badges in Shine Worship on a Friday in front of the parents.


The class representatives have regular meetings with Mrs Gray. They then tell the children in their classes what has been discussed at each meeting and the children can ask the representatives to take forward their ideas to the next meeting.


Everybody gets a fair say in the meeting and nobody gets left out.