Special Events

British Science Week 2023 at The Whitley!
We were thrilled to embrace British Science week at The Whitley.  We had a big science competition with amazing physical and video entries!  We welcomed parents in to join in science lessons across school and we also had each class connect our school together by planning how to transport a ball from EYFS through to Year 6 and back again.  Each class had fabulous ideas.  Check out our Facebook Page for the video!
Here are some of our competition entries.  Check out our Facebook page for some of the video entries!
We had a special science assembly to loo look at everyday science.  We walked on eggs and they did not break!  We dropped eggs in their packaging and the majority were intact!  Do you know why this is?  We then welcomed in parents across the school from EYFS to Year 6 to join in our science lessons.  What a fantastic week!